Greener switch ideas for natural cleaning products in your home

Photo of sliced lemons on cyan background to represent eco cleaning products

This article from House & Garden offers some great tips for swapping out harsh cleaning products for planet-friendly alternatives.

NHS Nurse Purdy Rubin and horticulturalist Charlotte Figg – creators of the cult natural hand sanitiser, Purdy & Figg – here share their own recipes for natural, environmentally friendly cleaning solutions, made from store-cupboard ingredients.

  1. Create your own multipurpose cleaning spray. This can be easily done with half distilled white vinegar and half water. Add an essential oil for an invigorating scent.

  2. Use Bicarbonate of Soda. This everyday household item deodorises and cuts through grease. Sprinkle a layer over the oven floor to remove grease, or sprinkle some down your drain, pouring vinegar over to remove blockages. You can also use a thick layer to clean sinks, toilets, baths and fridges, or to remove surface stains.

  3. Polish your wooden furniture with olive oil. Drizzle a few drops on a cloth, polish over furniture and leave to dry. If you don't like the smell, add a squeeze of lemon to half a cup to add a citrusy scent.

  4. Use lemon juice to remove stains and fight bacteria. Lemon juice is extremely acidic, and can be added to laundry to keep whites white.

  5. Coarse salt is an excellent addition to many natural cleaning solutions. Table salt also works, but a coarser option is even better. It serves as a catalyst for vinegar to boost deodorising and cleaning. Create a basic soft scrub with salt, baking soda and dish soap for use on enamel, porcelain and appliances.

  6. Cornstarch is a key addition for a glass cleaning solution. Combine a tablespoon with rubbing alcohol (1/4 cup), white vinegar (1/4 cup) and warm water (2 cups) in a spray bottle. Mix thoroughly before spraying the glass or mirror surface and wiping clean with a microfibre cloth.